
Alfred Olschewski

Born 1960 in Wattenscheid
Resident since 1983 in Haus-Kannen

Alfred Olschewski  has been painting since 1985. He started by copying from pictures, mainly motifs from fairytales. He followed this with freely formed felt-tip drawings, which he brings to paper very rapidly. His motifs were: people, houses, people on top of houses, animals. This was then followed by a relatively long phase, during which he painted with watercolours; the motifs (houses, landscapes, people, flowers) gradually disappeared. He then went on to produce abstract, geometric, format filling pictures.

Since 1990, Alfred Olschewski has been using pastel chalk. His geometric forms are domina­ted by squares, rectangles and wide stripes. He likes very much to experiment in selecting colours.

Alfred Olschewski always begins his pictures at the edge or in a corner of the page and goes on from there to fill the entire sheet. When I began working with him he needed 5 to 10 min­utes for his paintings. Nowadays he applies far more concentration sometimes needing 3 or 4 hours to produce a picture.


1991   Höttestift, Münster

1992   Meckmannshof, Münster

1998   Frauen in Bildern, City Library Wuppertal- Bannen

1998   Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster

1999   Bonifatiushaus Fulda

2016   Jahresausstellung, Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster

2017   Form, Farbe, Form, Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster