
Roger Röggener

 * 21.04.1962, Beckum

Roger Röggener lives in the Alexianer living area since 1980. Since 1988  Röggener does ergo- and art therapy with some shorter breaks.
In addition to dealing with his own individual order systems, assignments and puzzles, Mr. Röggener paints nonfigurably with wax and oil pastels. Since 2000 he works with sound again and again. The archaic-looking vessels are created in close teamwork with his therapist. It was found a way to channel the pronounced movement restlessness and restlessness of the hands in a constructive way.

The short tufts of sound are rolled out in a few, rapid movements, stacked on top of one another and fleetingly but powerfully elapsed. The often impressive size of the vessels is due to the speedy operation.