
workshop: experimental ceramics burning in the nature

Workshop with Jaimun Kim

10th to 18th of July 2019

The participants of the workshop have already gained a lot of experience with ceramics as part of the exhibition "Everything made of earth, loam and clay", but in the self-made "stove" they had never fired their clay objects before. On four days in July, individual vessels, tiles and other object were first formed from clay, then glazed and finally fired with the help of two different natural firing techniques. In the chimney fire bricks were stacked on top of each other, so that the previously shaped objects were fired in this and thus got a black color. In Rakubrand exciting color experiments were created by the previously chosen colored glazes. Not reaching the perfection was the goal. Much more important was the way there: the openness to the manufacturing process, the mistakes, the questions, the surprises and the joy of the result. It was an ideal prerequisite for all the participants to have the imagination and the urge to try it out.

The summer workshop "experimental ceramics burning in the nature" was led by Jaimun Kim, a ceramic artist from Enniger. He passed on his experiences with ceramic firing in the open air to the participants so that they could gain a lot of new experiences, learn a lot and above all had a lot of fun. Five of the seven artists in the current ceramic exhibition and five other artists interested in ceramics, as well as two employees from the Kunsthaus, have participated.


fotogalery to the workshop