
[Translate to Englisch:] Robert Burda - Portrait

[Translate to Englisch:] Robert Burda - Forsthaus

[Translate to Englisch:] Robert Burda - Straßenbahn Osterholz

Robert Burda, 70 years!

Duration: April 19 - June 10 2012
Opening: Sunday April 19 3.00 pm. 

In celebration of his 70th birthday we exhibit some of the artworks of Robert Burda in the foyer of the Kunsthaus Kannen.

Robert Burda, born in 1942 in Neuburg by the river Donau lives since 1968 in the assisted living aim of the alexian hospital. 1994 Robert Burda moved in the outside living group “Haus Martin” in Senden.  Besides his chief activities: drawing, painting and photograph he takes every chance to participate on several outdoor activities and go on vacation. 

Since his early childhood he focused on painting and drawing. In the 80s Robert Burda started to participate in art therapy. To work artistic became a permanent feature for Robert Burda in the course of years.  He portrays his everyday life through his different stage of life with writing and drawing.

The colorful drawings show us a detailed picture of his living room, the summer fair and the places he made vacation. His fascination for technique illustrates in his drawings of busses, tram and the buildings of his childhood as the ones of the present.

Every paper contains date, place, day of the week and address in one’s best handwriting surrounded with flower ornament, lines or writing. The paper is done when the scene is in the center and the paper full.  The letters and drawings are most of the time from a bird’s eye perspective.  To follow the writing the viewer has to wheel like a bird about the art work. He sees the happening from a distance.