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The listed publications can be ordered via e-mail. Please report by this e-mail adress: kunsthaus-kannen(at) or just visit us! Of course in our shop all publications are available as well! 

Postcards and Writing Pads

In the kunsthaus kannen shop you will find postcards (0,50€) and our well - liked writing pads (2€) with depictions of our artists and exhibitions.  The yearly produced desk pad is also available in the shop.  Moreover you can shop all our publications and many other exciting little things on the subject of art brut, outsider art, art and psychiatry

2x2 ART FAIR OUTSIDER ART 2013/2015/2017

The 2x2 forum for Outsider Art held in October 2013 and 2015 as well as in September 2017 again offered a European platform for studios, galleries, museums and institutions which deal with artistic works by mentally disabled or ill people. The book presents the 47 participants of the past three forums and their current concepts. Some lectures of Jörg Scheller, Hans Körner, Britta Peters and Thomas Röske, discussions and contacts are gathered in the German/English documentation. This includes numerous illustrations, photos and a film.



publisher: Alexianer GmbH; Year of publication: 2018; 204 pages, 200 color illustrations and film; format: 23,5 x 21,0 cm; german/english; ISBN: 3-930330-26-1; 18€


card to order


Book of the internantional artfair "2x2 Forum" from the years 2009+2011

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Book of the international artfair "2x2 Forum for Outsider Art" of the years 2009 and 2011. The 44 participating ateliers, museums, galleries and art-projects are presented with a brief description plus foto and contact-data. On top of that all Lectures and Speakers: Angelica Bäumer, Lisa Niederreiter, Monika Jagdfeld, Pierre Muylle, Christian Berst, Ivana Baši?evi?, Wolfram Voigtländer, Marian Giordano and the panel discussions: Thomas Röske, Carine Fol, Bruno Malveira, John Maizels, Sepp Hiekisch-Picard. With further life histories of the speakers. DVD with a 20 min. film, which contains exhibits and interviews with artists, speakers as well as directors of museums.


Imprisioned Secrets

At the invitation of the LVR Rheinland, the artist Cony Theis continues her research into the extension of the portrait in the participatory project "Prisoner Secrets". The aim is to develop individualized images for and with the patients in the penal system - forensic patients in special clinics who have committed a criminal offense due to a mental or addictive disorder, but who are not or only partially guilty of it. The portraits show the patients in a different way than we are used to. The main content of the artistic concept and this publication are "(self) portrait" and "secret" as well as the discussion of the participants with their own biographies. The Christophorus Clinic of the Alexians in Münster is also part of the project.

"ALLES BLEIBT ANDERS" Everything stays different

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Art projects in the Psychiatry. Documentation of the project ALLES BLEIBT ANDERS in the Alexianer Münster with an exhibition at Kunsthaus Kannen in 2012.

Artists: Lela Budde, Dorothee Burgemeister, Senta Connert, Hans Emmerich, Elisabeth Enßlin, Sonja Güllich, Franziska Haider, Kilian Ihler, Elzemieke de Tiège, Tanja Weirauch

Publisher:  Lisa Inckmann, Senta Connert
Preface: Klaus Telger
Articles: Katja Bonnländer, Senta Connert, Christopher Kirchhoff


Catalogue of the 15. End-of-years Sales Exhibition 2012

The catalogue is a detailed documentation of the end-of-years Sales Exhibition which presents the artists of Kunsthaus Kannen and other german and european artists. With black-and-white photographies of the artworks and informations on the exhibition.

"gedankenschwer und federleicht" - texts, poems and drawings from the context of psychiatry

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The book gives writing a hold, it concentrates the numerous texts, poems, scetches, thoughts and drawings. 40 authors with psychiatric experience from Westphalia are going to be presented, who transfered their thoughts and experiences. 12 scientific essays, newspapers of patients and information of working in creative writing-workshops are represented as well as an AudioCD with 24 authors reading their texts and poems is contained. 286 pages, 80 Illustrations,

"Ab die Post..." Off we go...

Off we go- is the title on an artproject with participants from three different institutions, who have a discussion by painting and writing. The painting- and writing-project which is hold as a ping-pong match between the artists of Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster, some participants from the art Brut course of the adult aducation centre Duisburg and the "Mal-zeitlern", a painting group of the social welfare work Duisburg GmbH, field of social-psychiatrie, brought some astonishments.

"Sinnespark....." Garden of Senses ... Alexianer- Hospital

A park is constantly in a transformation. The cycle of the seasons and in the course of the years. At the beginning there are small trees and bushes that are meanwhile big and impressive. In a pleasant kind the park  turned into a not directly managable place, that invites the visitors to a journey of discovery.   

The publication includes a foreword of the executive chief of medicine Dr. Klaus Telger, as well as professional contributions of the following authors: Hugo Kükelhaus, Gabriele Andrea , Ilse Copak, Gerald Kienecker, Martin Schofer, Klaus Telger und numerous illustrations. 

"Was fang ich an im grünen Bereich?" What do I do in the green area?

CD- ROM and Publication
Documentation of the poject
"Was fang ich an im grünen Bereich"- an art project
in the psychiatrie with a following exhibition.

Artists of Kunsthaus Kannen

DVD - Films of Outsider Art

A documentary film, a cartoon and a short trailer are presenting the art and artists of Kunsthaus Kannen. The documentary film offers an insight in Outsider Art and basing on 12 portraits of artists it shows the creative process and the artists' different working methods. In the cartoon of the cartoonfilm-producer "niky-bilder" Cologne the artists' artworks gather a momentum of their own as light as a feather.


Kunsthaus Kannen (Trailer, 2 min)

gesehen und geschoben (cartoon, 16 min)

Artists of Kunsthaus Kannen (documentary film, 26 min)


Production: Münsterland Film

"Wir lassen die Goldfische nachkommen, wenn wir wissen, wo wir bleiben." We let the goldfishs follow, if we know where to stay

"We let the goldfishs follow, if we know where to stay" (Wir lassen die Goldfische nachkommen, wenn wir wissen, wo wir bleiben) is the title of the artprojekt in the psychiatry in which inhabitants and patients of the Alexianer Hospital in Münster in cooperation with students of the research studies "Design and Theraphy" at the Academy of Building Art Munich participate. The created artworks or "workshop-pictures" were presented afterwards in Kunsthaus Kannen and offered an insight in the character of process of the artproject during Mai 2005.


Robert Burda – "Zeichnungen" Drawings

Since his childhood Robert Burda (born 1942) is detailly documentating his everyday life and his life-suituations via drawings, paintings and throughout letters to his family. Especially buses and trains from his home town Bremen-Blumenthal and supervisions of interiors are depicted in the artist's works. In his pictures Burda describes his experiences like walks, holiday trips or hospital stays as well as everyday life-objects, like a bathing-bag, a shaver or a pyjama.

In 2004 he recived the European Artprice EUWARD, an international award for mentally disabled artists.

This is the catalogue of his first Single-Exhibition in Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster with the title "Heute ist ein nagelneuer Tag" ("Today is a brand-new day"), which gives an overwiev of his ouevre.

"Wer sieht was?" Who sees What?

Contemporary Photography of amateur photographers from different facilities as well as professional photographers.

Together with people from different german, scottish and swiss psychiatries and integrative groups the patients of Alexianer Hospital are showing their works in Kunsthaus Kannen. The exhibition "Wer sieht was?" aims to bring together pictures as well as perspectives from in- and outside the psychiatry. It is an expedition trough photographic subjects like photographie without camera, portrait, landscape- and nature photography with pictures, which are aiming to invite the visitor for a stay.

Werner Streppel

Objects, Paintings, Drawings Werner Streppel had always been drawing and painting. After numerous decades of creative working he's got an extensive oeuvre. His pencil- and crayon-drawings from about 1976 are especially conspicuos. trains, horses, trees, tanks and airplanes he recorded on paper. Since 1984 Werner Streppel participated in art-theraphy at the Alexianer Hospital, until he got an own working space in the studio in 1994. His style was supported and houses and flower vases replaced the images of war.

Friedrich Wilhelm Koch

Chalk drawings and watercolor paintings. Since 1984 F. W. Koch paints and draws regulary in a painting-group of the arthous. He belonged to the first members of the Kunsthaus Kannen artists. Since 1996 the group has got their own working spaces in the studio of Kunsthaus Kannen. This booklet shows the bold style of Koch.

"Gott und Teufel" God and the Devil

Religious elements in the paintings of mentally disabled and mentally ill people are the subject of this catalogue and the exhibition "Gott und Teufel" ("God and devil"). Pictures of House-Kannen-Artists from Münster are presented, which let religious standart of living or the examination with God and Devil, as well as Jesus Christ, the ecclesiastical diginitaries and symbols become figuratively visible. The autohor's single articles want to sharpen one's awareness from theological, art-historical and therarapeutic point of view. With pictures from H-J. Fränzer, K. Mücke, B. Ophaus, F. Tobergte, H. Unger and R. Wlotzka.

Puppet Show Manus

An integrative project with mentally disabled people. A theater performance with mentally disabled people is the product of an intensive process. Very rare the spectator has the chance to learn, what's behind a production, why and especially how it was developted. This book makes the attempt, to peek behind the scenes. It clearly describes three projects of the integrative puppet theater Manus with texts pictures and photographies and gives commentary from pedagogues' and therpaists' point of view.