Gerd Schippel
Born 1959 in Mollenfelde
Resident since 1976 in Haus-Kannen
In his leisure time Gerd Schippel has always painted, written, spoken onto cassettes and listened to music. At the same time he appears introverted and pensive in his activities and his movements are a little awkward. He has written things down that he had moved by and made paintings to go with them: anger with or love for his fellow patients, his thoughts and feelings on everyday events. He has published many of these picture/text stories by hanging them up on doors.
What is impressive is his painting technique. With great flowing movements, beginning from the middle of his body, he puts the paint, with a large amount of water, onto his painting surface. When he is doing this, he often has a look of happiness or relish on his face. Gerd Schippel never stops and thinks, what form, what colour? He never asks "What now?". Without hesitation he always brings his symbol-like figures or abstract forms to paper in black outline, or he divides the sheet up with generously proportioned black lines. With the same direct confidence he then puts his glowing colours in between. When he is painting, Gerd Schippel appears in complete harmony with himself: feeling and body, movement and colour almost appear to become one.
1991 Maria Höttestift Münster
Cafe Malik, Münster
1995 Ans Licht geholt, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf
1997 Internationaler Congress, Linz, Österreich
1997 Kunst im Format, Museum De Stadshof, Zwolle NL
1998 Kopf an Kopf, Kunsthaus-Kannen, Münster
1999 Kopf an Kopf, Bonifatius Haus, Fulda