Hans Georg Kastilan
Hans Georg Kastilan was born in Insterburg, Ostpreußen in 1927 and lives at Kannen House since 1951. Kastilan often makes „trips of thought“ while painting. The dimension of these trips is limited by the number of sheets of paper he has put in front of him in order to document the “route” beforehand. Every sheet of paper shows one station of the journey. What is striking about his works is the repetition. He often chooses the same routes and uses similar signs to represent a city. The cities Muenster,RomeandNew Yorkhave towers as a symbol.
Group Exhibitions
1990 Municipal Theatre Muenster, Germany
1996 Franciscan Monastery, Muenster, Germany
1996 Cultural Week “Grenzgänge Franciscan Monastery, Muenster, Germany
1997 Outpost Muenster De Stadshof, Zwolle NL Galerie Heerenplaats Rotterdam, NL
1998 Galerie Heerenplaats, Rotterdam, NL
2000 Sales Exhibition, Kunsthaus Kannen, Muenster, Germany
2001 CreArt, Kulturfestival, Duesseldorf, Germany