Josef Schwaf
Born 1928 in Altenberge, Steinfurt († 2002)
Josef Schwaf drew and painted since his arrival in the Kannen-Art-House in 1989.
It is typical of his style that he colours in the sheet completely. He knows how to use wax-crayon and forceful colours in a very expressive way. In his pictures he likes to repeat special motifs such as houses and figures; but he also uses forms such as lines, which can build a grating, points or circles and achieve a structuring of the surface. Chiaroscuro contrasts are also a characteristic feature of his works.
Also typical of his pictures is the mixture of a naturalistic style and the geometric shape of the figures, with objects like ladders or scaffolds. The black constructions create a contrast to the painted background, which is dominated by lively colours and open areas of light. It is impressive to see how Schwaf follows between representation and abstraction.
1995 Haus Kannen Künstler, Rathaus/Friedenssaal, Münster
1997 Kunst im Format, De Stadshof, Zwolle/ Netherlands
1997 Skulpturenprojekt Münster, Outpost, Münster
1997 Creart 97, Messehallen Düsseldorf
1998 Haus Kannen Künstler, Turm Galerie, Hochheim
1998 Verkaufsausstellung, Kunsthaus Kannen Münster
1998 Kopf an Kopf, Kunsthaus Kannen Münster
1999 Kopf an Kopf, Bonifatiushaus, Fulda