Matthias Klepgen
Matthias Klepgen was born in Cologne, Germany in 1931. He draws and paints since his early childhood. In 1970 he came to Alexianer Hospital because of his mental disability and has lives in an institution of assisted living ever since. Since 1986 he works in his atelier on a regular basis. His favourite motives are houses, ships or trees. He also likes to paint people, who he puts into buildings, landscapes or skyscrapers. On many of his picture the observer can find splendid suns. Moreover, Klepgen often uses his favourite colour pink. The direction of the lines within his works varies and gives his pictures dynamics.
1999 „Kopf an Kopf“ (“Neck and Neck), Bonifatiushaus, Fulda, Muenster
2000 „Noah im Regen“ (Holzdrucke)(Noah in the Rain (Wood Engravings),
Kunsthaus Kannen, Muenster, Germany
2001 „Noah im Regen“(Noah in the Rain), Monastery of Gerleve, Coesfeld, Germany
2000-2010 end-of year sales exhibition Kunsthaus Kannen, Muenster, Germany
2010 Exhibition “Project Print“, Kunsthaus Kannen, Muenster, Germany