Heinz Unger
Born 1928 in Lauban/Silesia
Resident in Haus-Kannen since 1946
„In the beginning was the schema“ – this is how to describe the pictures of Heinz Unger. His work consists entirely of strict vertical and horizontal lines, which dominate the drawings. This schematic structure seems to be a “scaffolding” for him. Often the lines stand for houses with grid-like facades, surrounded by trees and paths. Unger likes to develop views of cities and villages. His linear structure is the living space into which his matchstick men and animals can be inserted. Often you can see through the front into the inside of the houses and recognise some of the inhabitants. Animal or human, no matter, for each figure is always made up of two circles representing head and body and short lines representing arms and legs. They resemble the “chestnut-men” which are made by hand in autumm.
1996 „Gemeinsame Wege“, Kreuz-Christi-Kirche, MS-Amelsbüren
1998 Gott und Teufel, Franz-Hitze-Haus, Münster
1998 Gott und Teufel, Kloster Gerleve, Coesfeld
1998 Gott und Teufel, Kath. Universität Lublin, Poland
1998 Gott und Teufel, Kulturhistorisches Museum Breslau
1998 Gott und Teufel, St. Amandus Kirche, Datteln
1998 Gott und Teufel, St. Josef-Kirche, Datteln
1998 Gott und Teufel, Kloster Frenswegen, Nordhorn
1999 Kunsthaus Kannen
2001 Jahresausstellung Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster
2005 Jahresausstellung Kunsthaus Kannen, Münster