Klaus Mücke
Born 1943 in Kiel
Resident from 1970 in Haus-Kannen
Klaus Mücke is an extraordinary, creative, artistic and lively person. He has always painted a great deal, in as many different places as possible, and using anything on any material. On the whole, however, his pictures are large format paintings, with a lot of colour, mostly water colours, well mixed and often combined with opaque white paint. The pictures sparkle with information and humour. Mostly he paints a central motif, (e.g.: "man and woman, apple and apple-baby", "Mr and Mrs Drumkit", "Aunt Lene", "Bremen", Houses; "Maja the Bee", nuns, musical instruments), around which many other different motifs are arranged (e.g.: balloon, lollipop, flag, cross, wash basin, camera, umbrella, fish, etc.). Sometimes he uses a motif as a frame or box, (e.g.: magician's box, drum, mitre), into which he places his other objects of information.
The motifs repeat constantly. Sometimes there are almost never-ending series (nuns), which, if possible, are stuck together to produce large collages.
He doesn't just produce the above-mentioned motifs in paintings - he also makes them out of clay, wood, or everyday household objects which he collects (washing up liquid bottles, bottletops etc.), giving them more of a feeling of plasticity and increasing their impact. Klaus Mücke's pictures may appear simple, even childlike, but they are fun. Just like it is fun watching him paint or talking to him.
1991 Maria Höttestift Münster
1994 Stadtbücherei Münster
1995 Individuen, Museum de Stadshof, Zwolle/NL Individuen, Kolvenburg, Billerbeck Zomergasten, Museum Swaensteyn, Utrecht/NL Ans Licht geholt, Kunstpalast, Düsseldorf
1998 Gott und Teufel, Franz-Hitze-Haus, Münster Kloster Gerleve, Coesfeld, Galerie Sienna Krakau, Kulturhistorisches Museum Breslau, Cath. University Lublin
1999 St. Josef-Kirche, Datteln
Die ungewisse Ordnung der Dinge, Kunstverein Aschaffenburg