
Helmut Paus

Hemut Praus was born in Duelmen, Germany in 1959. Since October 1993 he lives in an institution of assisted living. Paus has his own workingplace in the atelier at the Kunsthaus Kannen since 2003. He has discovered drawing as a way to find peace and calmness. For Paus a line is a possibility to create order. An exact structure and a meticulous working method are very characteristic for his approach to create art. Every piece is finished line by line. When working on a drawing Paus usually works on the outlines first before filling them with fine lines. By doing so, he creates special colours and shapes. In his late works, though, he begins to break with his sharp outlines and lets go of his exact structures. This is a sign for his constant development as an artist.

2010   End-of-Year Exhibition
2011   Line / Colour / Wood